

Claes Andersson

Henri Berestycki

Bert DeVries

Ralph Dum, EU Scientific Officer

  • There was a considerable interest in seeing how a complex systems approach could be used to improve our understanding when it comes to setting policy.

Klaus Hasselmann

Lord Julian Hunt

  • Talked on how a systems approach is extremely useful when modelling problems that involve networks of groups which may be operating at different scales but interact at certain points. Policy makers need to have models, and indeed simulations of results of such models, at their fingertips in order to be able to make crucial decisions often in a very short time frame

    Systems Approaches for Critical Decisions

Jean-Pierre Nadal

  • Viktoriya Semeshenko, Mirta B. Gordon and Jean-Pierre Nadal

Collective states in social systems with interacting learning agents

Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Volume 387, Issues 19-20, August 2008, Pages 4903-4916

  • Mirta B. Gordon, Jean-Pierre Nadal, Denis Phan and Viktoriya Semeshenko

Discrete Choices under Social Influence: Generic Properties to appear in Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences (M3AS)

  • Y.P. Ma, S. Mignot, S. Gonçalves, J.-P. Nadal and M. B. Gordon

Cycles of cooperation and free-riding in social systems

working paper hal-00349642, January 2009.

  • L. Gauvin, J. Vannimenus and J.-P. Nadal

Phase diagram of a Schelling segregation model

working paper arXiv:0903.4694, March 2009

Global System Dynamics and Policies is a project funded by the Future & Emerging Technologies division of the European Commission. The project began in May 2008, and will continue until April 2010