
Professor Kristian Lindgren

Kristian Lindgren is Professor in Complex Systems at the Department of Energy and Environment, Chalmers University, Sweden. He is a currently also co-director for the European Centre for Living Technology in Venice.

Kristian researches both complex systems and energy system analysis. Current research projects include: Artificial Life (PACE — Programmable Artificial Cell Evolution), emergent organisation in complex biomolecular systems (EMBIO), multi-agent modelling; evolution of cooperation; game theory (with Anders Eriksson and Torbjörn Lundh), development of energy systems under CO2-emission constraints (with Christian Azar and several other researchers at the department).

Kristian is co-ordinating a Venice GSD workshop in April 2009, on the topic of Agent-based Modelling and Sustainable Development. Further details

To contact any GSD partner, please email the GSD Project Administrator, Elizabeth Hancock – elizabeth.hancock[at]

Global System Dynamics and Policies is a project funded by the Future & Emerging Technologies division of the European Commission. The project began in May 2008, and will continue until April 2010
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