
Professor Bert de Vries

Bert de Vries has a background in Theoretical Chemistry. He was a co-founder of the Institute for Energy and Environment (IVEM) at the University of Groningen, where he received his Ph.D. on sustainable resource use. Since 1990 he has been a senior scientist at the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (MNP) of the National Institute of Public Health and Environment (RIVM). Since January 2003 Bert has been a Professor of Global Change and Energy at the Copernicus Institute.

Bert’s research expertise is in resource and in particular energy analysis, modelling and policy; climate and global change modelling; and modelling for sustainable development. He co-edited several books, including a publication on a Global Change model (TARGETS) and one on 10000 years of socio-ecological history (Mappae Mundi).

His interest and involvement in the GSD-project is in two ares. First, the area of complex systems modelling, in particular agent-based simulation and network dynamics, with applications in the field of energy/resource and climate modelling. Secondly, a related activity is to make economy-energy-climate models more transparant and available for use via internet, and to design a multi-use platform on which such models can be used interactively in order to explore social dilemma situations, in common pool resource management (such as climate).


Presented at the Complex Systems Conference, Shanghai in February 2009:

Networks that optimize a trade-off between efficiency and dynamical resilience

An MSc thesis produced by Chris Roorda, a student of Bert de Vries, on a simple economy-energy-climate model to explore long-term feedbacks:
The SUSCLIME model: Exploring adjustment of behaviour to climate change and resource depletion

To contact any GSD partner, please email the GSD Project Administrator, Elizabeth Hancock – elizabeth.hancock[at]

Global System Dynamics and Policies is a project funded by the Future & Emerging Technologies division of the European Commission. The project began in May 2008, and will continue until April 2010
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