Dr Nicolaos P. Theodossiou
Nicolaos Theodossiou is an assistant professor at the Division of Hydraulics and Environmental Engineering of the Department of Civil Engineering of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki in Greece.
His research activities include simulation, optimisation and management of water resources systems, protection and restoration of groundwater aquifers and simulation of the effects of climate changes on water resources. He has also been involved in the development of computer based groundwater simulation models.
He has extensive academic experience by teaching classes in both graduate and postgraduate level, in subjects such as groundwater hydraulics, protection and restoration of groundwater aquifers, system analysis and water resources management.
He has participated as a Civil Engineer in a number of technical studies concerning the design of hydraulic works and the evaluation of their environmental impacts.
He is a reviewer of papers submitted in a series of specialised scientific journals and international conferences, while he has served as an expert for the EU in the evaluation of research proposals submitted under FP7.
He has published more than 50 scientific papers in journal and conferences. His work has been referenced by other authors in more than 60 papers. He has also participated in 14 research projects funded by national or international bodies.
More information can be found at his personal web-site at:
Global System Dynamics and Policies is a project funded by the Future & Emerging Technologies division of the European Commission. The project began in May 2008, and will continue until April 2010 |