
Call for proposals to address real world challenges

Interdisciplinary Challenges for Complexity Science

Complexity-NET invites Expressions of Interest for transnational
interdisciplinary research projects. Proposed projects should be
grounded in the mathematical and physical sciences, designed around
meaningful collaboration with other scientific disciplines, and should
have a clear emphasis on the development of methodologies, tools and
techniques of complexity science for addressing real-world challenges.

The principal themes of the call are:
• Emergence and self-organisation, individual to collective behaviour, micro to macro;
• Dynamics and (un)predictability, risk and extreme events;
• Resilience, sustainability, management and control of complex

Expressions of Interest are invited from consortia which include
investigators from at least three different countries participating in this
call. The research projects funded through this activity will have a
duration of up to 24 months and a total budget of up to €500,000 across
all investigators.

Issued 8th May 2009
Closing date for Expressions of Interest 30th July 2009

Full details of the call and how to apply can be found on the Complexity-
NET website